USA Grits N' Gravy

Echolink Conference Server Node 591550

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Towel Day - Don't Panic

Welcome to the home of the USA Grits N' Gravy Gang™!

Echolink Conference server: *USA-GNG*

Node 591550


** NEW** You can now use a hotspot (PI-Star, OpenSpot) to connect to the USA Grits-N-Gravy. Use the NEARC TG 31257 on the Brandmeister Network. Our sincerest thanks to W0JAY for hosting this link.

A great place to have a friendly rag-chew session on Echolink. We are just a group of people that like to talk - it doesn't matter to who, doesn't matter if you had talked to them ever before - just the idea that people having a nice chat and rag-chew should be a good time!

So come on and join us, I am sure you'll find everyone to be friendly and very willing to talk!  Enjoy!

** Please note **

Due to the amount of spam registration requests, you MUST use your call sign as your username when registering for an account. Any account activation request that we receive that is not obviously a ham operator will be ignored and purged from the system.

We thank you for your understanding.

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